Limited number of participants
When you purchase a workshop ticket, you will receive a discounted ticket for the performance.

The workshop on stage by Zeynab Kirikou Gueye and Lau Lukkarila offers a visit to the research practice of "Hold yr ache 2 my ache". We try out different tasks that research the emotionality of the body and how it appears and alters in different social and historical contexts. You can expect a sonic listening session, trying out incomprehensible dialogue and automatic speech as well as viscerally driven movement scores.


Begrenzte Teilnehmer*innenzahl
Beim Kauf eines Workshoptickets erhalten Sie ein ermäßigtes Ticket für die Performance.

Lau Lukkarila & Zeynab Kirikou Gueye - WS on Stage

Category Price per Ticket Select Quantity Add to Basket
Workshop Fee
EUR 15,00

Soon you'll see a seatplan here.

Event Location

TQW Studio

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Responsible for content/organizer: Tanzquartier Wien
